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Hetman #15 Ball Joint Oil


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Hetman® Synthetic Linkage and Ball Joint Lubricants are formulated for superior performance and protection of rotary valve linkage components: spherical rod end bearings (e.g. “Minibal” and “Unibal”), linkage joints, cross joints, lever hinges and ball joints. These lubricants combat wear; provide for positive, quiet actions; and prevent corrosion of linkage components. These formulations are nontoxic, and non-damaging to plastic components and rubber bumpers. Packaged in 22 ml precision needle oilers.

15. BALL JOINT – A heavy viscosity lubricant designed specifically for ball joints. This synthetic quiets noisy joints and assures a smooth action by functioning as both a lubricant and a vibration dampening agent. Although formulated for ball joints typically exhibiting looser tolerances, this lubricant has found wide use on pivot screws, worn linkage components, screw bell threads, valve stem threads, and valve cap threads. Will not harm plastic joints.

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